Give thanks unto the Lord of lords,
For His great love Divine;
For all the blessings which He gives,
To bless the soul and mind.
He made the sun to rule the day,
The moon and stars the night;
God made a million things for us,
So pleasant to our sight.
The winding rivers, lovely lakes,
The mountains reaching high;
The spruce and Cypress, and the pine,
The beauty and the sky;
The cattle on the thousand hills,
The birds which sail the blue;
Are things for which we should give thanks,
Unto our God, so true.
Be thankful for America,
The good old U.S.A.;
Be thankful for so many things,
To brighten every day.
A grateful spirit we shall find,
Shall bless the whole of life;
Shall help to keep the soul and mind,
Free from all greed and strife.
~J. J. Davis~