Our hope in Christ reaches beyond,
This present life, my dear;
It reaches into the beyond,
Where never comes a tear.
How beautiful and glorious,
The whole of life can be;
Both in this world and that beyond,
When from all sin we're free.
The sting of death is sin, we're told,
Therefore, let us be done;
With every sin by grace Divine,
By help from God's own son.
Yea, precious in the sight of God,
The death of saintly souls;
Tis wonderful to have said faith,
In facing this said role.
We know not what the future holds,
But this one thing we know;
He holds the future in His hand,
On us His love bestows.
In life or death, what e're may be,
He will our souls defend;
If unto Him we yield our all,
On Him daily depend.
~ J. J. Davis ~