
Friday, December 28, 2012

December 28, 1958

Our hope in Christ reaches beyond,
This present life, my dear;
It reaches into the beyond,
Where never comes a tear.
How beautiful and glorious,
The whole of life can be;
Both in this world and that beyond,
When from all sin we're free.

The sting of death is sin, we're told,
Therefore, let us be done;
With every sin by grace Divine,
By help from God's own son.
Yea, precious in the sight of God,
The death of saintly souls;
Tis wonderful to have said faith,
In facing this said role.

We know not what the future holds,
But this one thing we know;
He holds the future in His hand,
On us His love bestows.
In life or death, what e're may be,
He will our souls defend;
If unto Him we yield our all,
On Him daily depend.
~ J. J. Davis ~

Saturday, December 22, 2012

December 22, 1958

Photo by Lucrecia Mouser
Put on your shoes, put on your hat,
A new year is at hand;
Let us be diligent to build,
Upon the Rock, not sand.
The things we say, the things we do,
Shall be a part, you know;
Of the record which we shall make,
As through this year we go.

God has a blueprint for each life,
He plans great things for us;
Let us with earnest prayer, strive hard,
To make His will a must.
Sometimes the clouds may darkened be,
And hang so very low;
But still the sun doth brightly shine,
Above the clouds, you know.

The fruit of love, and joy and peace,
Let us bear day by day;
And by the grace and help of God,
Travel the narrow way.
And should we live throughout this year,
O, may the record be;
In keeping with the will of Christ,
Who died on Calvary.
~ J. J. Davis ~

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

December 19, 1958

Photo by: Vinson Mouser
So teach us Lord, our days to use,
To glorify Thy name;
Help us to play the role of life,
As wise men play the game.
Help us to be purer than dew,
And whiter than the snow;
To manifest Thy love Divine,
As through this life we go.

May our delight be found in Thee,
The Bright and Morning Star;
Help us to play the Christian role,
And make a perfect par.
Help us to bear the fruit of love,
And that of gentleness;
And worship Thee in the beauty,
Beauty of Holiness.

The fruit of peace and joy and hope,
And that of meekness too;
Yea, we would bear in all we say,
And in that which we do.
Yea in the hollow of Thy hand,
Keep us Eternal God;
And may we feel the comfort of.
Thy blessed staff and rod.
~ J. J. Davis ~

Sunday, December 16, 2012

God's Call

Here am I Lord, send Bill,
He's better prepared, with greater skill.
I love you Lord, you know -
If you can't get Bill, then get Joe.
I appreciate, Lord, your calling me,
But I'm very busy, as you can see;
So Bill and Joe or maybe Bob
Will have to do this needy job.
When I catch up and have time to spare,
I'll work for you Lord, if the weather is fair.
Now, Good God, don't feel too bad;
I learned this lesson from my dad!
My dad was a good man you know;
Willing to let Tom, Bill, and Joe do the 
things you asked of him-
My daddy you know was a precious gem!
When I call, Lord, on thee;
To do something just for me;
Please, Good God, forget the past 
and come immediately when I ask!
~ J. J. Davis ~

Saturday, December 15, 2012

December 9, 1958

And there were shepherds in the field,
Keeping watch o'er their sheep;
And, lo, the angel of the Lord,
To them softly did speak.
The angel told them of the birth,
Of Jesus Christ the Lamb;
The Son of the Eternal God,
The Blessed Great I Am.

A multitude of angels came,
Proclaiming glory be;
Glory to God in the highest,
Good will toward you and me.
With joy the shepherds went to see,
That which had come to pass;
They found the babe in Bethlehem,
A manger held Him fast.

After that the shepherds returned,
With hearts so full of joy;
 They told their story here and there,
Of this sweet baby boy.
We, too, rejoice to know of him,
God's gift to fallen men;
The Prince of Peace, the One Divine,
Who saves us from our sins.
~J. J. Davis~

Friday, December 14, 2012

December 9, 1958

Dedicated to Clint Mouser

A little sparrow falleth not,
Unnoticed by the Lord;
Of greater value are we Clint,
According to God's Word.
God's care for us is very great,
He knows our every need;
He leads beside the waters still,
In pastures green he feeds.

Sometimes the sun so brightly shines,
And life seems very sweet;
Sometimes the clouds are hanging low,
And life meets with defeat.
'Tis then we need the Savior, Clint,
To help us on the way;
To make our lives so beautiful,
As pass the fleeting day.

Come let us put our trust in Him,
The Bright and Morning Star;
'Tis He who gives us wisdom here,
To make Life's perfect par.
Life can be sweet and beautiful,
When God is in control;
Of every word, and every deed,
Of body, mind and soul.
~J. J. Davis~

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

December 8, 1958

Photo by: Lucrecia Mouser
I know that my Redeemer lives,
He sits upon his throne;
He rules in all His Universe,
Loves and cares for His own.
A little sparrow falleth not,
Unnoticed by the Lord;
Of greater value are we here,
Declares His Holy Word.

I know some day I shall behold,
My Master face to face;
And there shall know as I am known,
Redeemed by heaven's grace.
The sun is now far in the West,
My course is almost run;
I long to hear my Master say:
My child, my child, well done.

Till He shall call, I want to be, 
A bright and shining light;
I want my every thought and deed,
T be right in his sight.
I know that my Redeemer lives,
He is so good to me;
He saves and sanctifies my soul,
And gives me victory.
~J. J. Davis~

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

December 10, 1958

Born of a virgin, sweet and mild,
The very God and man;
The Savior of the lost, lost world,
According to God's plan.
Born in an ox stall, we are told,
A manger cradled him;
Who later wore a seamless robe,
A robe without a hem.

Sweet is the story often told,
Of Jesus Christ the Lamb;
The Son of the Eternal God,
The Mighty Great I Am.
The angel told the sheperds that,
A Savior had been born;
And lo they found the babe that night,
Before the dawn of morn.

God gave the best He had for us,
What shall we give to Him?
We may not have silver or gold,
Or that of precious gems;
But we can give to Him our love,
Our body, soul and mind;
And in so giving we shall then,
Great peace and comfort find.
~J. J. Davis~

Monday, December 10, 2012

December 10, 1958

Photo by: Vinson Mouser
For unto us a child is born,
A gift of Love Divine;
The greatest gift in all the world,
To heal the soul and mind.
The government shall be on Him,
His shoulder thus must bear;
He loves us with such tender love,
And for our souls doth care.

His name shall be called wonderful,
The Prince of Peace is He;
And for salvation's plan He died,
Upon Mount Cavalry.
 His name shall be called Counsellor,
A mighty God is He;
The Everlasting Father, too,
For you, my friend and me.

The increase of His government,
And peace shall be no end;
His life is pure and Holy,
In Him we find no sin.
How beautiful the whole of life,
Becomes when we thus yield;
Our all unto this blessed Christ,
And do His holy will. 
~J. J. Davis~

Thursday, December 6, 2012

November 16, 1958

There is a way, and in that way,
A way of holiness;
And all who travel on this way,
Enjoy great happiness.
The carnal mind has no control,
Over the sanctified;
For they have been cleansed from all sin,
The old man in them died.

How wonderful to be set free,
To be made pure within;
To have God's glory in the soul,
And triumph over sin.
Christ Jesus prayed that you and I,
Might be united here;
Might have His perfect love within,
To save us from all fear.

Keep thyself pure, if you would be,
A bright and shinning light;
To glorify the King of kings,
Who dwells where comes no night.
Worship the Lord in the beauty,
Beauty of holiness;
For is so doing you shall find,
The soul is richly blessed.
~J. J. Davis~

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

November 15, 1958

And now abideth faith, hope, love,
To strengthen us within;
That we might gain the victory,
Victory o'er all sin.
Why dwell in Egypt's bondage here,
Since we may be set free;
And dwell in Canaan's promised land,
Enjoying liberty?

The devil seeks our souls to sieve,
Leaving only the chaff;
By which he'd have us daily live,
Expressing lust and wrath. 
God seeks our souls to purify,
To give to us His best;
By which to live day after day,
Enjoying peace and rest.

Free moral agents are we here,
We choose which way to go;
One choice gives life, the other death,
To mortals here below.
Come let us choose the better part,
As Mary did of old;
For such a choice refinement gives,
To body, mind and soul.
~J. J. Davis~

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

November 25, 1958

I've been redeemed, I've been redeemed,
All glory to the Lamb;
'Tis wonderful to be made pure,
Like God, the Great I am.
Outside the gate, my Savior died,
That I might be made whole;
Redeeming grace has done so much,
For body, mind, and soul.

Wounded was He for you and me,
That we might be set free;
Free from our many sins, you know,
And from carnality.
I've been redeemed, how wonderful,
His love my soul doth thrill;
It is a joy, indeed to know,
And do his blessed will.

How wonderful to walk with Him,
The Bright and Morning Star;
And do our best to make in life,
For Him a perfect par.
And when the shadows lenghten long,
The sun sets in the West;
I trust that I shall have been true,
And pass the final test.
~J. J. Davis~

Sunday, December 2, 2012

November 24, 1958

Photo by: Lucrecia Mouser
By faith we run the Christian race,
We bear the fruit of love;
By faith we lay our treasures where,
They should be, up above.
By faith we seek and find the lost,
And bring them to the Lord;
And try to help them to become,
With Him of one accord.

By faith we overcome all sin,
We pour the oil and wine;
To heal the many hurts which sin,
Inflicts upon mankind.
By faith we consecrate our all,
Unto the living god;
Who comforts with his blessed staff,
And with His Holy rod.

By faith we bear the fruit of joy,
Also the fruit of peace;
By faith our souls are sanctified,
That we might bear increase.
And when our mundane course is run,
The battles we have fought;
By faith we then shall go to God;
Behold what He has wrought.
~J. J. Davis~

Saturday, December 1, 2012

November 23, 1958

I know a little bird which hums,
Its melody so sweet;
Throughout the day the little bird, 
And flowers often meet.
O, what a lesson we may learn,
yea, from this humming bird;
We, too, should seek the nectar rare,
And hide God's holy word;

Deep down within the inner life,
To help us shun the wrong;
To help us quit ourselves like men,
That we might be real strong.
And to the ant we may resort,
And there a lesson find;
Concerning preperation, dear,
Throughout the summer time.

And to the lilies let us go,
Behold their beauty rare;
And there a lesson we shall learn,
About our Father's care.
And best of all, we, too, may sit,
As Mary did of old;
Close by the Master's feet while here,
Learn truths to bless the soul.
~J. J. Davis~

Friday, November 30, 2012

November 21, 1958

Give thanks unto the Lord of  lords,
For His great love Divine;
For all the blessings which He gives,
To bless the soul and mind.
He made the sun to rule the day,
 The moon and stars the night;
God made a million things for us,
So pleasant to our sight.

The winding rivers, lovely lakes,
The mountains reaching high;
The spruce and Cypress, and the pine,
The beauty and the sky;
The cattle on the thousand hills,
The birds which sail the blue;
Are things for which we should give thanks,
Unto our God, so true.

Be thankful for America,
The good old U.S.A.;
Be thankful for so many things,
To brighten every day.
A grateful spirit we shall find,
Shall bless the whole of life;
Shall help to keep the soul and mind,
Free from all greed and strife.
~J. J. Davis~

Thursday, November 29, 2012

November 20, 1958

Photo by: Lucrecia Mouser
I'm thankful just to be alive,
To have so many friends;
I'm thankful for salvation's plan,
To save me from my sins.
I'm thankful for America,
The good old U.S.A.;
I'm thankful for my mother,
Who taught me how to pray.

The winding rivers, lovely lakes,
The mountains reaching high;
The spruce and cypress and the pine,
The stars up in the sky;
The cattle on the thousand hills,
The birds which sail the blue;
Are things for which we should give thanks,
Unto our God so true.

Our sons and daughters, bless them all,
Our God gave them to us;
How thankful we should be to Him,
And make His will a must.
In all things let us grateful be,
And never once complain;
A cheerful spirit doeth good,
And never causeth pain.
~J. J. Davis~

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

November 20, 1958

Prayer and fasting are of great worth,
In service here below;
They help us to accomplish much,
As through this life we go.
"This kind goeth not out," said He,
The Bright and Morning Star;
"But by prayer and fasting," said He,
Who helps us make life's par.

The more difficult problems here,
According to His Word;
May be solved by prayer and fasting,
Now, therefore, let us gird;
Our souls with these good qualities,
That we might always be;
Strong to do the Master's good will,
Who died for you and me.

Prayer and fasting should have a part,
In every Christian life;
For such shall help the soul to be,
Free from all greed and strife.
And when you come to cross the bar,
You'll find this habit, dear,
An asset in your Christian life,
To meet death without fear.
~J. J. Davis~

Monday, November 26, 2012

November 19, 1958

Who shall ascend into God's hill?
Into His holy place?
He that hath clean hands, and pure heart,
Redeemed by the heaven's grace.
He shall receive blessings from God,
The Blessed Great I Am;
Enjoy sweet fellowship with Christ,
The Holy blessed Lamb.

Yea, lift up your heads, O ye gates,
And be lifted up;
The King of glory shall come in,
And with you freely sup.
Yea, who is this King of glory?
The Lord mighty and strong;
Able to keep you from all sin,
Defend you all day long.

No need to live in sin's quagmire,
Since we may be made pure;
And build our house upon the Rock,
One that is safe, secure.
How beautiful, how beautiful,
The whole of life can be;
When we are wholly sanctified,
From carnal mind set free.
~ J. J. Davis~

Monday, November 19, 2012

November 19, 1958

Photo by: Lucrecia Mouser
Glory be to God,  the Father,
Glory be to the Son;
Glory be to the Holy Ghost,
Our God, the Three in One.
The Bible is a holy Book,
It teaches us the way;
To worship God in holiness,
Throughout the night and day.

The attributes of  holiness,
Are beautiful indeed;
And when we worship God with such,
It meets the soul's great need.
Perfect love casteth out all fear,
And peace the soul enjoys;
When every talent is given,
For God's Divine employ.

How beautiful the way of life,
When all is pure within;
How beautiful our love for God.
 When we are free from sin.
And when the shadows lengthen long,
Our earthly course is run;
If we have worshiped God aright,
He then shall say: "Well done."
~ J. J. Davis ~

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

November 14, 1958

Photo by: Lucrecia Mouser

Jesus suffered outside the gate,
That we might be made pure;
That we might build upon the Rock,
A house that shall endure.
And furthermore He prayed for us,
That we might all be one;
United in His sacred cause,
As through life's course we run.

Sanctify them, that they might all,
Be made perfect in one;
Yea, as Thou Father art in Me,
Thy own begotten Son.
This is the way, the only way,
Unity can be had;
And when united by his plan,
Then are we truly glad.

Christ Jesus prayed, but not in vain,
For many souls today;
Are sanctified by grace Divine,
And happy in this way.
United are they in the Lord,
To bear much fruit for Him;
Who wore a robe, a seamless robe,
A robe without a hem.

~ J. J. Davis ~

Friday, October 26, 2012

October 26, 1958

We cannot sin and Christians be,
Christ makes this very plain;
A good tree bears only good fruit,
The Savior thus proclaimed.
He that sins is of the devil,
The good Book thus declares;
Let us be done with every sin,
And heaven's blessings share.

The sinner cannot bear fruit,
Of love, joy, peace, and rest;
Nor can the Christian bear the fruit,
Of sin and pass the test.
We cannot sit at God's table,
Enjoy his wholesome fare;
And partake of the devil's food,
This cannot be my dear.

Why dwell in sin's quagmire, my friend,
Since we may be set free;
From sin and be made pure within,
By Christ of Galilee.
The devil seeks your soul to damn,
The good from you he'd sieve;
And leave for you only the chaff,
By which he'd have you live.
~ J. J. Davis ~

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

October 23, 1958

Study to show thyself approved,
Hide God's Word within;
That you might be well fortified,
To overcome all sin.
The devil is so very wise,
He seeks your soul to sieve;
Sieve out the good, leave only chaff,
By which he'd have you live.

Study to show thyself approved,
Lay hands upon the Sword;
And strike the enemy with force,
Say: "Thus saith the Lord."
Thus is the way our Savior did,
Upon the battlefield;
And thus He gained the victory,
To sin He did not yield.

Study to show thyself approved,
Be strong, quit you like men;
Yea, memorize His promises,
And hide them deep within.
And when the shadows lengthen long,
Your earthly course is run;
A thrill shall be awaiting you,
When God shall say: "Well done."
~ J. J. Davis ~

Monday, October 22, 2012

October 22, 1958

The early church went forth with love,
God's message to proclaim;
They sought to win the lost to Christ,
Sought not for worldly fame. 
Prayer and fasting. played a great part.
In sending forth the Two;
Great ambassadors of Christ,
For both Gentile and Jew.

Paul and Barnabas, men of God,
Behaved themselves like men;
Crowned with success, their journey was,
Rescuing men from sin.
The challenge still remains today,
The world our parish be;
Let us go forth proclaim good news,
The news of Calvary.

Christ will be with us, 'tis proclaimed,
In God's good Book Divine;
Let us go forth as He commands,
And pour the oil and wine;
To heal the many hurts which sin,
Inflicts upon this world;
Let us go forth with courage now,
his love banner unfurl.
~ J. J. Davis ~

Sunday, October 21, 2012

October 21, 1958

Dedicated to the Bishop and Mrs. Paul E. Martin.

By faith we rise to noble heights,
Of purity and love;
By faith we lay our treasures where,
They should be, up above.
By faith we live a life that's pure,
By faith we comprehend;
The will of God, which teaches us,
To quit ourselves like men.

By faith we pour the oil and wine,
Good neighbors try to be;
By faith we strive to be like Christ,
The Lamb of Cavalry.
How wonderful, how beautiful,
The whole of life, my friend;
When you and I have learned by faith,
To overcome all sin.

The storms and floods of life may come,
They come unto us all;
By faith we build upon the Rock,
So that we may not fall.
And when the silver cord shall loose,
The golden bowl shall break;
If we have been faithful to God,
He then our souls shall take.
~ J. J. Davis ~

Saturday, October 20, 2012

October 20, 1958

Photo by: Vinson Mouser
Heavens declare God's righteousness,
People his glory see;
Confounded be all they that serve,
Graven idols that be. 
God is a Spirit, true and great,
And we should worship Him;
In the beauty of holiness,
More beautiful than gems.

Ye that love the Lord hate evil,
Be done with every sin;
Yea, walk in all of heaven's light,
Be pure without, within.
Rejouice in the Lord, ye righteous,
Let not your heart be sad;
Joy is our strength, so we are told,
In God let us be glad.

God is a Spirit true and great,
And like Him we are made;
And by His grace we hope to make,
A final passing grade.
Wrestless are we, apart from Him,
The True and Living God;
But in his keeping, we all find,
Great comfort from His rod.
~ J. J. Davis ~

Friday, October 19, 2012

October 19, 1958

The winds may blow with the mighty force,
The floods may come and go;
But building on the solid Rock,
We have no fears, you know.
The Rock upon which now we build,
Is Christ the Son of God;
In Him we have security,
And comfort from his rod.
The storms of life come to us all,
And those who build on sand;
Fail to survive the mighty test,
They hold not to God's hand;
But those who build upon the Rock,
Who for the right do stand;
Survive the test, defy the storms,
Holding to God's own hand.

Were we to try to stand alone,
How foolish it would be;
But when we take our stand with God,
It gives security.
The storms may come, the floods may roll,
The lightning flash with speed;
But we are safe while trusting God,
Who meets our daily need.
~ J. J. Davis ~

Thursday, October 18, 2012

October 18, 1958

Photo by: Vinson Mouser

We build together, God and I,
He is the Architect ;
I try to follow His design, 
No part of it neglect.
He teaches me to build on Rock,
The Rock of Ages True;
He keeps me by His love Divine,
Purer than morning dew.

The building which we build, you know,
Unseen by eyes of men;
Is the immortal soul which is,
Destined to have no end.
God does His part so perfectly,
And if I really try;
The soul shall be so beautiful,
And never, never die.

The building materials are,
More precious that pure gold;
For love, truth, grace and purity,
Are things which build the soul.
We build together, God and I,
And what a blessed thought;
To build according to God's will,
Behold what God has wrought. 
~ J. J. Davis ~

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

October 17, 1958

Let others praise thee, not thy lips,
For self praise is so vain;
The Holy Bible teaches this, 
And makes it very plain.
Yea, he that speaketh of himself,
Is seeking his own praise;
But he that speaketh of the Lord,
In pastures green doth graze.

O clothe us Lord, we humbly pray,
With Thy humility;
And may it be, not for a day,
But for eternity.
Christ must increase, I must decrease,
Said John of long ago;
And that should be our attitude,
As through this life we go.

The route to exultation is,
Humility, my friend;
The route to be abased is pride,
Which is a dreadful sin.
Come, let us strive to ever be,
Humble in everything;
For such conduct, shall indeed,
Glorify Christ our King.
~J.J. Davis~

Monday, October 15, 2012

October 15,1958

Photo by: Vinson Mouser
Where hast thou gleaned? Come tell me please,
And I shall understand;
Whether you build upon the Rock,
or build upon the sand.
Yea, did you glean the fields of love,
With God close by your side;
And was the Holy Ghost within,
Your soul to be your guide?

There are so many lovely fields, In which to glean today,
The fields of peace, truth, purity,
Rich dividends to pay.
When gleaning in these precious fields,
Our souls and minds are blest;
Why should we glean in fields of lust,
When we may glean the best?

Some glean in fields of hate and greed,
Of pride and bitterness;
They do not know the beauty of,
God's blessed righteousness.
Where hast thou gleaned? Come tell me please
And I shall understand;
Whether you build upon the Rock,
Or build upon the sand.
 ~ J.J Davis ~